General Municipal Budget Overview

The Town of Kindersley operates with a municipal budget that is approved on an annual basis by Council. Planning of the budget is a significant process that involves both Town Administration and members of Council over a period of several months.

The Kindersley municipal budget is a projected financial operating plan that accounts for the revenue the Town expects to generate over the 12-month fiscal year and allocates that revenue to specific expenditures incurred through the operation of the municipality’s programs and services. The number of subcategories that make up the total revenues and expenditures varies according to the size of a municipality, taxes and fees that are determined by Council, and the number of services provided to residents.

Revenue is derived from the following primary sources: taxation (including property tax and special levies), grants/donations, and user fees. Services such as water and utilities are maintained and self-sustaining through utility charges. Other potential sources of revenue for municipalities include hospitality tax (hotels, restaurants, and liquor). Fees collected from business licenses, building permits, bylaw and parking fines, and other services form part of the Town of Kindersley’s user fee revenue.

A portion of Kindersley’s revenue from grants and donations is derived through Provincial and Federal government cost-sharing and subsidy.

Expenditures listed in Kindersley’s municipal budget represent the anticipated expenses for services the local government provides. This includes salaries, wages and benefits from municipal employees, and expenses related to operating and maintaining Town facilities. The Town provides public safety services such as bylaw enforcement, fire protection and RCMP (at a shared per capita cost), as well as public parks and facilities, infrastructure repair and maintenance, and transportation services such as the Kindersley Regional Airport.

2024 Budget

Council approved the 2024 Budget at the May 13 Regular Meeting of Council.

2023 Budget

Council approved the 2023 Budget at the May 8 Regular Meeting of Council.

2022 Budget

Council approved the 2022 Budget at the May 9 Regular Meeting of Council.

2021 Budget

Council approved the 2021 Budget at the May 25 Regular Meeting of Council.

2020 Budget

Council approved the 2020 Budget at the May 11 Regular Meeting of Council.

2019 Budget

Council approved the 2019 Budget at the May 13 Regular Meeting of Council.

2018 Budget

Council approved the 2018 Budget at a Special Meeting of Council on May 7, 2018.

Audited Financial Statements

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