The Haubrich Water Treatment Facility works continuously to ensure that citizens of Kindersley are provided with clean, potable drinking water through a safe and reliable water distribution system.

The facility operates with a conventional water treatment plant through which particulate matter is removed from the raw water before it is processed through several gravity-fed, dual media filters before being discharged into the main distribution system for use and consumption.

Daily, weekly, and quarterly tests are conducted to maintain health and aesthetic objectives, according to Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines.

Potable water production currently ranges from 350,000 gallons to 900,000 gallons. Operators are all certified according to the Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Board of Saskatchewan.

Kindersley Water Treatment Documentation:

Annual Water Review

The following is information on the Town of Kindersley’s waterworks, as required by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Finance of the Government of Saskatchewan.

2023 Waterworks Financial Overview:

• Total waterworks revenues (R): $4,163,273

• Total waterworks expenditures (E) including interest paid on waterworks infrastructure loans: $2,806,640

• Total debt payments on waterworks infrastructure loans (D): $1,181,150

For 2023, waterworks revenues covered 100 percent of the waterworks expenditures and the remaining revenue was placed into the Utilities Reserves.

The following additional information is available at the Town of Kindersley Administration Office:

• Capital plans in place and related sources of funding for water projects

• 2023 financial overview of the waterworks

• Waterworks reserves

• Waterworks rate policy and capital investment strategy

• Waterworks engineering assessment

Water Tower and Water West Project

The Water West Project completed in 2013 saw an expansion in the capacity by increasing the size of the line from 8” to 12” for a portion from the river through the river hills, and adding a third supply pump. A new pump house at Snipe Lake combined with some increased size on the Kin-dersley line has increased the amount of water available to Kindersley. The original system had an open reservoir at Snipe Lake but now that is enclosed, resulting in a higher quality of water going to Eston and Kindersley.

Kindersley’s new water was erected in Baker Park in late 2009, dramatically increasing the water supply available to Kindersley residents, businesses, and industry within the community and surrounding area. The water tower holds 726,000 imperial gallons (3,300 cubic metres) of water. It is 39.2 metres (128.5 ft) tall with 3.6 metres (12 ft) of tower under the surface.

The location of the water tower was selected based on the amount of water pressure available. Water flows to and from the tower on a regular basis.

The water tower’s main benefit is in easing demand at the water treatment plant on high-usage days. On such a day, approximately one million gallons of water is used within the Town of Kindersley.

Backwash Waste Water Reservoir

The multi-award winning Kindersley Waste Water Project is the result of an innovative municipal and private sector partnership to generate new revenue from semi-treated backwash water and to address the increasing demand for water by businesses within the Kindersley industrial sector. The Waste Water Project allows for diminished strain on Kindersley’s water treatment infrastructure, greater environmental stewardship of a priority natural resource, and municipal ownership and management of the waste water infrastructure after a period of five years, all at no additional cost to taxpayers. In addition, the project supports the sustainability of oil and gas operations in the Kindersley region with less negative impact to water resources.

Regular maintenance of Kindersley water treatment filtration system requires that the filters be cleaned at least twice daily. ‘Backwashing’ is the process of running treated water back through the filters and system to rinse out any particles that may have accumulated through regular usage. This water is expelled from the Water Treatment Plant into a natural creek, amounting to about 400 to 500 cubic meters per day. This creek will now feeds into the new Waste Water Reservoir constructed by Holland’s Hot Oiling.

In 2013, the Town of Kindersley issued a Request for Proposals from interested and qualified companies to form a partnership with the Town to access and utilize the wastewater that is discharged from the Kindersley Water Treatment Plant. Local company Holland’s Hot Oiling Ltd. was awarded the project and successfully completed construction of a new reservoir in July 2014 where the semi-treated backwash water will now be retained after being discharged from the plant. Once in operation, this water can be sold to industrial customers, thereby reducing the amount of consumption from the treated water supply used by residents and other commercial customers. Holland’s paid the full construction cost for this infrastructure, and by agreement with the Town, will split revenues from the water sales with the Town

Water Vending Station

For high volume commercial and industrial water consumers, the Town of Kindersley operates a treated water vending station in the Kindersley Industrial Area, located at 720 7th Avenue West. The station requires users to have an account and Personal Identification Number (PIN).

To establish a new Water Exchange vending account, please call the Town of Kindersley Administration Office or stop by during office hours.

Download WaterExchange Customer Manual

Locations Eligible for Sewer Auger

As per Management of Water and Sewer Bylaw 14-19 Sec. 7.9:

The Town will provide one (1) sewer auger per calendar year as preventative maintenance for premises located in the areas as shown on Schedule “F”. These areas may be prone to excessive tree roots entering the sewer service line due to boulevard trees and sewer line material type.

  • In instances where properties located on Schedule “F” are actively backing up, the Town will count as the one (1) allowable service per year.
  • In instances where the Town cannot dispatch within one (1) day, the owner may hire a contractor to complete the sewer auger, a sample of the roots or a video clearly depicting roots, will be required before compensation is awarded to the owner. The owner must then submit their receipt for the work completed.
  • The Town will not compensate contractors directly.
  • Owners must contact the Town prior to hiring a contractor to complete the work. No compensation will be given if prior authorization is not granted.
  • If the property requires a sewer auger more than once per calendar year, it is the responsibility of the owner to complete the work and cover any costs associated.
  • The Town may provide sewer auger services to properties not located on Schedule “F” at the custom work rate set out in Schedule “A”.
  • The owner or occupant is responsible to protect any floor coverings or other personal property as deemed necessary.

View Bylaw 14-19 PDF

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