Kindersley’s Culture Plan

The Kindersley Culture Plan was adopted by Town Council on Monday March 27th, 2017

Check it out HERE

In January 2015, Town Council supported the development of a local Cultural Master Plan to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To revitalize interest in the arts/heritage sectors;
  2. Increase awareness of local community development efforts;
  3. Nurture an inclusive community culture;
  4. Cultivate local and tourism opportunities and beautify the municipality in both tangible and intangible ways.


Kindersley’s Culture Plan will be a year-long project encouraging the community to become engaged and consider what makes a community, determine local needs, sources of pride and goals for the future. This Plan will be a component of the Town of Kindersley Quality of Living Plan, which is part of the Kindersley Growth Plan. The Community Services Department is leading this project with financial support from SaskCulture’sMunicipal Cultural Planning and Engagement Program Grant.

Kindersley is in a good position to engage in cultural planning as the Town has applied for City status in 2016 and a strategic Cultural Plan outlines the necessity in developing an interdepartmental effort, partnership building, innovation between services and a well-balanced community and life for citizens. Kindersley is in constant growth and will benefit from bridging local identities together to determine who we are, what we have, who we want to become and how we will get there.

Stay connected with the Plan and participate: #kindersleyculture

Official Support for a Culture Plan

This project was made possible through funding provided by:

Community Wishlist

Over the course of the Kindersley Culture Plan, community members of all ages offered feedback about their wishes for the future of Kindersley.  Many of their responses included the desire for stores, restaurants, activity centres, events and more.  All of them are great ideas that the Advisory Committee wasn’t able to fit into the Plan but wished to share so that residents, volunteers, community organizations, entrepreneurs and current business owners could review and consider as potential options for the future.

If you are interested in taking on an initiative or entrepreneurial effort, consider the options on this Community Wishlist as a source of ideas and what Kindersley is interested in!

  • City Status
  • Less drugs
  • Improved hospital services
  • Stronger internet
  • Lower taxes
  • More participation from community members
  • More engagement
  • First Nations and Metis elders
  • Web portal for community issues and collaboration for solutions
  • Better signage/information for newcomers
  • Openness for newcomers on social media – champion
  • Volunteer opportunity board
  • Incentives for volunteers for consultations
  • Sculptures
  • Welcome committee
  • More restaurants
  • Trampoline park
  • Mini golf
  • Go Carts
  • Chain stores
  • Petland
  • More grocery stores (people are shopping out of town)
  • Skate park
  • Bigger theatre
  • Large condo units
  • Zoo
  • BMX bike racing track
  • Tourist attractions
  • Waterpark or bigger spray park
  • Batting cages
  • Music studio
  • Affordable Housing
  • More bars
  • 18-hole golf course
  • Clothing stores (people are shopping out of town)
  • Home furnishings (people are shopping out of town for)
  • Shoe stores
  • Locations to mingle before and after events
  • Location for all ages to hang out that is not at the rink
  • More festivals
  • Folkfest type of event
  • Recreation outside of the rink
  • More events in the winter
  • Art in the park
  • Marathon
  • Outdoor concert
  • Picnic in the park
  • Christmas parade
  • Community Barbecues
  • Events that showcase all cultures
  • Community water fight
  • Youth festivals
  • Culture events in schools
  • Mummering
  • Recreation outside of Minor Sports
  • Weekly programs for young families and youth promoting community building and inclusion
  • Showcase talent events
  • Newcomer groups
  • Seniors in schools
  • Students in seniors’ homes
  • Kickball team
  • More concerts
  • More theatre productions
  • More comedy nights
  • Child play area at the rink
  • More events
  • Pool
  • Recreation Centre (gymnasium?)
  • Better mall (more stores?)
  • Better markings for semi-drivers
  • Improved sidewalks and streets (quality?)
  • More green spaces
  • Nice rink/ bigger rink
  • Tree house
  • Bigger library
  • More baseball diamonds
  • Improved arts facility
  • New community centre
  • More meeting spaces
  • Services
  • Less expensive toys
  • Less expensive electronics
  • Consistent public transport
  • Extended service transportation for seniors
  • More products and services
  • Childcare services at events, forums, community club meetings, etc.

What is a Culture Plan?

Kindersley’s Culture Plan is intended to be a document written for the community, by the community. A Culture Plan supports the four essential pillars of sustainable communities:

  1. Economic Prosperity
  2. Social Equity
  3. Environmental Responsibility
  4. Cultural Vitality

Why are we Creating a Culture Plan?

Culture plays an important role in the overall quality of life in a community. Our Culture Plan is an important tool to increase community engagement and collectively enhance community activity and participation, with a special focus on local cultural industries.

How does the Community Benefit?

Community Engagement & Feedback

Over the course of the year, community members will have many opportunities to offer their feedback and participate in activities for the Culture Plan. The Kindersley Culture Plan Advisory Committee and Town of Kindersley encourage residents to become engaged in discussions about what makes a community, our sources of pride, goals for the future and join in identifying local needs. Engagement opportunities will be made available in many forms during the year. Results from these opportunities will be featured on this page for the community to remain informed throughout the process.

Three Questions Board
Participants were provided with post-it notes and pens to write their responses for the following three questions:

  1. What Do You Think Is Special About Kindersley?
  2. What Does the Word ‘Culture’ Mean to You?
  3. What Do You Want Our Community to Be?

Participants wrote out their responses and attached them to a board under the respective question.

Kindersley Scattegories
Participants selected a letter out of a bag and were asked to write three words to describe or identify Kindersley.  The following document features the submitted responses:

Tradeshow guests who stopped at the Town of Kindersley booth were encouraged to participate in a short activity asking them to describe Kindersley in 3 words. The following document features a tally of the responses contributed:

Tradeshow Activity_Kindersley in 3 Words.pdf

Members of the community were invited to take part and share in a facilitated workshop about Kindersley’s folklore, or Intangible Cultural Heritage. The intention of the workshop was to begin a local discussion about what Kindersley’s story is. Questions such as, ‘What are your Kindersley community stories?’, ‘ What makes our community different from any other?’, ‘What are our local traditions, customs and folkways?’, and ‘How can communities become more cohesive through exploration of the meaning of place?’.

The evening provided a unique opportunity to bring community members together to explore the concepts of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). ICH can be used as a platform for building communities by recognizing their oral history,heritage, festivals, ‘foodlore’, arts, events, museums, economic development and cultural tourism.

Storytelling is a tool to connect people with a place. Storytelling articulates the qualities that make our community unique and authentic. Stories can empower communities to reconnect with the past and safeguard them for future generations.

Kristin Catherwood met with the Culture Plan Advisory Committee to further discuss Intangible Cultural Heritage and the next steps for collecting local stories. The committee reviewed the topics shared amongst community members the night before and how they could move forward engaging the public to share stories and preserve local culture. Kristin offered examples for how other communities in Saskatchewan have accomplished this via interactive and profound ways. Support and tools were provided to the committee so that they can plan future engagement opportunities.

Westberry Elementary School and Elizabeth Middle School joined together to participate in Kindersley’s Culture Plan initiative. Students were paired up to complete our mapping activity or identify aspects of Kindersley’s culture. Students learned more about their community and contributed to the development of Kindersley’s future.

Culture Committee School Activities 1 Culture Committee School Activities Maps 2

Participants completed an activity which had them reflect on the different areas of their life and how all aspects contributed to the community. Below are results from the consultations and a copy of the activity to try at home. Look at each bubble and draw lines from each, noting programs, activities groups and more that you participate in on an annual basis. We are continually looking for feedback and participation from community members. If you complete this activity at home, send it in to us HERE .

Senior Citizens from the community gathered to contribute their input to the Culture Plan. They were invited to share their experiences and ideas for how we can build a culturally vibrant future for Kindersley together. Results from the discussion are below. The following questions were asked to guide the conversation:

  1. How have you enjoyed living in Kindersley?
  2. What are the services and programs that you rely on locally?
  3. What would you like to see happen in Kindersley for future generations?
  4. Do you feel you have the access to spaces and services that you need?
  5. Is Kindersley a Senior friendly community?

Seniors Forum Results

Unfortunately, there were no attendees at this forum to represent local businesses.

Representatives from various community organizations gathered to contribute their input to the Culture Plan. They were invited to share their experiences, successes, challenges and ideas to build a socially vibrant future for Kindersley. Results from the discussion are below. The following questions were asked to guide the conversation:

Some Ideas We Would Like to Know Include:

  1. What are some goals that you would like to accomplish?
  2. What can be done to increase volunteer engagement?
  3. What can be done to keep our service groups viable, moving forward?
  4. How can we work together to build a stronger community?
  5. What is your vision for Kindersley?

Community Organizations Results

Community groups offering programming and events to Kindersley were invited to meet with Committee members to share contribute to the Culture Plan. Representatives were asked what their definition of the word Culture is, how they fit into Kindersley Culture and what their vision is for the future of the community. These opportunties are individual discussions enabling open communication and community development. If you represent a community group and would like to participate before January 15th, 2017.

Stakeholder Interviews

Advisory Committee

Helen Barclay Richelle Dahl Administrative Support by:
Tammy Diemert Sharon Haubrich Tim Hanna 
Director of Community Services
Tom Morris Tessa Sautner Michelle McMillan 
Culture & Heritage Manager
Marilyn Shea Bill Warrington


The Kindersley Culture Plan Advisory Committee’s purpose is to serve in an advisory capacity to the 2016 culture development planning effort. The group will provide advice, recommendations and support to administration and Council as a small representation of Kindersley’s local sectors which the plan will focus on.


To advise, support and champion the Kindersley Culture Plan from adoption of the framework to adoptions of the plan document.

Duties & Responsibilities

Special tasks which the committee members will participate in include:

  • Confirm Plan framework
  • Contribute to the visions and values of the Plan
  • Contribute to development of public engagement sessions
  • Develop an identity for the Plan
  • Champion and engage the public
  • Work with staff to prioritize and define data from public sessions
  • Review public feedback
  • Determine implementation plan for the Plan
  • Review the drafted Plan
  • Present the Plan to Town Council
  • Promote the completion of the Plan
  • Roll out first action for the Plan


Join in these interactive opportunities to contribute your ideas and input towards this community project. The committee is looking for as much information as possible in order to shape the goals and outcomes of the Culture Plan and direction for developing Kindersley. In addition to the significance that your input holds for this project, it will be available to all local groups and businesses as an understanding of residents’ needs and for use in improving how they serve the community.

Community Mapping

Events for community members to come out and map Kindersley took place on September 28th and 29th, 2016. Did you miss the opportunity? Not a problem! Click HERE on the map image to open a map of Kindersley and print. Follow the instructions listed to plot locations, activities and special memories and more on your own map. We look forward to what your map says about Kindersley and what you find important about the community you live in.

Instructions for Mapping

1. Place identifiers or labels in text (ex. neighbourhoods, street names)
2. Place landmarks in text or images (ex. Water tower, railway tracks, schools)
3. Place areas you go for fun or to express yourself (ex. locations and activities that are special for you)
4. Place areas you go to socialize with your family and friends (ex. locations and activities that are special for your groups)
5. Place locations for memories or special moments (ex. Championship game)

History Pin

History Pin is an online mapping project that allows users to upload images of various locations in time to a Google map. Viewers can then enjoy the photographs that users have posted, contribute a memory to the location or tag someone in it.Together, users and viewers can build a community archive online to feature the evolution of our towns physical and social lifestyle!

How to use History Pin

Click on the highlighted numbers on the map to zoom in on image pins that feature photographs from a specific time and place in Kindersley. When the image pops up on the right, you can click on the ‘i’ icon to see additional information about the image including dates, captions, people and addresses. Viewers can contribute an experience or additional information to the photograph by utilizing the ‘Comments and Stories’ submission box. Information presented for each photograph is limited to the caption attached to the physical photograph. If the date/ location/ title is incorrect, please assist by clicking on the links above the respective section to submit the correct information. A sliding timeline is featured on the left side of the map to view images from a specific time period.

How to Get Involved with History Pin

If you enjoy this project and wish to encourage inspire others to become involved, click the ‘share’ link on the right of the map. You can also contribute to the photographic history of Kindersley by starting a ‘Collection’ of your own (select link on the right of the map) by uploading your own images and pinning to Kindersley!

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