Snow Clearing Schedule
Every winter presents its own set of challenges in keeping streets and roadways clear for traffic. After a snowfall, the Town’s primary responsibility is to keep roads passable so that vehicles can drive with safety. First priority is given to emergency routes and main arterial roads, including access to the hospital and schools. When possible, the Town will notify residents in advance of the roads that are scheduled for snow clearing and/or snow removal throughout the winter season.
The first goal is to have Emergency, Priority 1 & 2 routes plowed and de-iced and/or sanded by 8:00 am, prior to the morning traffic. This goal is contingent on the amount and duration of any snowfall. The secondary goal is to have all remaining priority streets plowed within three working days. Non-priority streets are typically low-volume residential streets which are only plowed if 4″ of snow accumulation is present upon completion of priorities.
In order to ensure streets are cleaned as efficiently as possible, citizens are asked to avoid parking vehicles on the street, if at all possible, in areas scheduled for snow clearing.
Snow Clearing Method
The Town focuses efforts on surface snow clearing and sanding of streets. Snow removal and ice scraping is costly and done sparingly. Roads that are extremely icy should be reported to the Town online or by calling 306-463-2675, and more sand can be applied. Ice build up in curbs and gutters does not impact road travel.
Snow removal on Highways 7 and 21 is outside of the Town of Kindersley jurisdiction and is the responsibility of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways.
Resident Snow Removal Responsibilities
Effective snow removal and plowing of snow on Town streets is a cooperative effort of both the Town street crews and local residents. Your cooperation helps keep the streets safe for travel.
Please note the following:
1. Plowed berms may interfere with the flow of traffic for a short period of time. We understand that clearing berms is inconvenient, but it is unfortunately a byproduct of snow plowing and clearing streets before the snow blower gets there.
2. Residents are required to place their shovelled/plowed snow on their own property and not in the street or on a neighbour’s property.
3. Property owners removing snow from parking lots and business locations can deposit large quantities of snow at the designated snow dump area north of the Kindersley Waste and Recycle Centre.
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