The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a comprehensive, long-term plan for the physical development of the community. It represents the Town’s determination of the amount, type, and timing of development needed to achieve the Town’s social, economic, and environmental goals. The current OCP was completed in 2014.
The OCP is a policy document that is intended to guide development in the Town for a 20-year period. The Zoning Bylaw 04-14 provides the principal method of implementing the objectives of the OCP. The plan is designed to be user-friendly and compliant with the requirements of The Planning and Development Act, 2007and The Statements of Provincial Interest Regulations .

Notable Updates in the New OCP
- Removal of redundancies and policy repetition; objectives and policies are clearly identified.
- Identified areas within and outside of the Town boundaries that are suitable for future land development.
- Set out the planning goals for the Town of Kindersley.
Notable Updates in the Zoning Bylaw
- Enhanced format and organization of content including new zoning tables and illustration diagrams.
- Clarified zoning terminology in the definitions section.
- Provides bonus provisions for multiple unit dwellings operated by non-profit corporation or public authority.
- Addition of two new zoning districts:
- R3A – Low Density Multiple Unit Residential District. The purpose of this new district is to provide for multiple-unit residential development in a low density form, as well as related community uses.
- C5- Neighborhood Commercial District. The purpose of this district is to provide for commercial uses which serve the daily convenience needs of the residents of the area.
- Revised building height requirement based on roof type; the new building height is measured from the grade level to the highest point of the roof surface, if a flat roof; to the deck line of mansard roof; and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for a gable, hip, or gambrel roof.
- Addition of landscaping regulations for C2, C3, C4, M1, M2, RW districts.
- Secondary suites are discretionary forms of development in R1, R2, R2A, R3, R3A, RA districts.
- Rooming houses are discretionary forms of development in R2, R2A, R3, R3A districts.
Official Community Plan Documents
- Official Community Plan Bylaw 03-14 (13.12 MB)
- Zoning Bylaw 02-22
- Future Kindersley Land Use Map
- Zoning Map
Related Documents:
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