Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, September 9th, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding accepting an offer in the Residential Contract of Purchase and Sale, a new Safety Manual, and the list of accounts.

The offer of 45,000.00 was accepted as set out in the Residential Contract of Purchase and Sale regarding the property described as Lot 15 – Block 11 – Plan G9 and having the civic address of 211 – 3rd Avenue West. Council resolved that the property must be developed by December 31st, 2020.

Council approved as presented the Town of Kindersley Safety Manual. It was effective immediately after this resolution was passed. The updated manual will supersede all others before it. This manual is considered a “living document” as changes are made on an on-going basis to reflect changing safety standards and procedures specific to Town staff.

The list of accounts paid by the Town of Kindersley was accepted in the amount of $1,012,028.05.

Council approved the Consent Agenda including: Correspondence for Acceptance and Filing (Community Planning – Certificate of Approval, and RCMP Kindersley Detachment -July 2019 Statistics).