Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019. The following resolutions were made regarding discretionary use applications, condenser replacement at the West Central Events Centre, and the Community Airport Partnership Program grant.

Home-based business application HB#19-04 was approved for discretionary use at the residence of #3-10 Clark Drive on the condition that all regulations of a home-based business in Kindersley are followed.

Council approved the discretionary use application for a Bulk Fuel and Storage Facility (DU#19-05) located at 808-12th Street West on the condition that all regulations of the Town of Kindersley are followed.

Chief Administrative Officer, Audrey Hebert and Deputy Administrator, Kim Vogel were appointed to serve as Committee Members to the Oversight Committee for the New Building Canada Fund PTIC-NRP for the Town of Kindersley Lagoon Project, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Oversight Committee Guidelines and the Contribution Agreement.

Council resolved that in relation to Subdivision Application T0221-19S for a Subdivision in the Town of Kindersley, and the Community Planning Division of the Government of Saskatchewan's request that Council comment on the application. Council is not aware of any land or site conditions that would be incompatible with the intended use of the application, does not have any facilities that would be affected by the proposed development, and that the applicant is not required to provide municipal reserve land. The applicant will be required to enter a servicing agreement.

J & J Air Conditioning was awarded as the successful bidder for the West Central Events Centre Condenser project as per the submitted tender and having met the August 9, 2019 operational date as per submission requirements.

Audited financial statements and supporting schedules of the Town of Kindersley were received as presented.

A Community Airport Partnership Program Agreement was entered with the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure for upgrades to the Kindersley Regional Airport for a maximum contribution of $4000.00 representing shareable costs of the project.

The list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley was accepted as submitted in the amount of $864,770.33.

The Consent Agenda was approved including the following items: Correspondence for Acceptance and Filing (Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Project – Request for Resource Listing, CN Rail – CN Day Proclamation Celebrating 100 Years, Saskatchewan Health Authority – Recognizing Pathway 2 Wellness Program, EK Water Board – May Pumping Report, RCMP Kindersley Detachment – April Policing Stats, Water Security Agency – Permit to Construct).