Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Regulations
Dutch elm disease (DED) is a deadly fungus that can kill an elm in as little as three weeks by clogging its water-conducting vessels. Once a tree is infected by DED it needs to be removed and disposed of properly by either burying it or burning it.
The Town of Kindersley is dedicated to keeping DED out of our community. Every year the Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Association (SDEDA) implements a pruning ban from April 1 – August 31. The Municipal Inspector(s) will strongly enforce no pruning or removing of elms during this period.
Don’t use, store, or transport elm wood. It’s illegal! One piece of elm firewood can carry over 1800 infested elm bark beetles. The DED regulations apply to all elms including Siberian & Manchurian elms.
Observe the annual pruning ban. Do not prune your elms between April 1st and August 31st. The Elm Bark Beetle that spreads the DED fungus is attracted to freshly cut elm and is most active during this period.
“Elm tree” means any tree or part of a tree, living or dead, of the Ulmus genus and its cultivars, including the American, Siberian and Japanese elm trees, and includes any elm tree in the form of fuel wood, nursery stock, lumber, woodchips, logs, branches or bark.
Requests During Pruning Ban (April 1 – August 31):
Any requests for pruning and/or removing any elm trees during the pruning ban must provide written request to the Town administration Office. The request will then be forwarded to the Municipal Inspector(s) for authorization.
Pruning Fee: $500.00
Pruning Without Authorization:
If pruning and or removing an elm tree occurs without written authorization from the Municipal Inspector(s) a penalty will occur. This is punishable under Saskatchewan Dutch Elm Disease Regulations and will be strictly enforced.
Fine: $1,500.00
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