Community Choir
The Kindersley Community Choir rehearses weekly from September through April, performing two concerts with a Christmas and Easter cantata. The choir also makes appearances at a number of other community events and recitals.
The choir is a non-profit organization that relies on small membership fees ($20) and free-will admission fees to cover the costs of purchasing music, equipment, and modest honorariums for the choir director, accompanist, and production assistants.
The Kindersley Community Choir is currently directed by Clayton Braybrook. 2009 marked the 30th year since the choir was established in Kindersley. New members are always welcome.
Clayton Braybrook
Box 516
Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0
Ph: (306) 463-4541
Weekly Rehearsals
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
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