Priority 4 Snow Removal Continues Next Week!
We thank all those that are staying clear of our snow removal equipment. This makes it much safer, easier and more efficient for our team to clear the roadways.
As an added reminder, please try not to park your vehicles at the curb if your street has not yet been cleared. Some roadways, such as O’Connor Crescent, are very narrow and it is difficult for snow clearing with even one vehicle is on the street. If you do not have a driveway, maybe ask a friend if your car can have a sleep over in their driveway! 😊
We thank everyone in advance for their patience – we are clearing our community one street at a time and we will get to yours soon!
Below is our tentative schedule and is subject to change. We may get more areas completed each day then scheduled depending on timing. Also note that inclement weather, added snowfall and mechanical issues may delay this schedule.
December 2 (Monday)
O’Connor Crescent & O’Connor Court
Frere Street
Stewart Crescent
McEwen Drive (area not yet complete)
Cooper Way
December 3 (Tuesday)
Rutley Crescent
Rutley Drive
Hahn Crescent
Coleman Crescent
Stevenson Court
December 4 (Wednesday)
2nd Street West
2nd Avenue West
4th Street West
1st Avenue West
December 5 (Thursday)
Phillips Court
Churchill Place
Princess Street
King Drive
6th Street and 6th Street Crescent
December 6 (Friday)
Any additional cleanup needed