The Ministry of Government Relations has accepted the Town of Kindersley’s request to have Kindersley designated as an eligible assistance area with the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP.)

Private property owners with eligible property losses or damages that are not insurable may apply under the PDAP for funding. Claims must relate to heavy rainfall that occurred on either June 25, 2016 or August 10, 2016 or both of those dates.

We encourage applicants to discuss these details with their insurance provider or broker.

Council resolved to apply for PDAP funding during a Special Meeting of Council held August 24, 2016 after numerous uninsurable damage claims were reported by residents and local insurance brokers. A cumulative total of losses and damages in excess of $25,000 is required to be eligible for PDAP funding.

In order to receive funding, property owners must now complete a Private Property Application and return it to the PDAP office within six months of the disaster event. Applications relating to June 25 damage must be received by December 25, 2016 and repairs related to the claim must be completed by June 25, 2017. Applications relating to August 10 claims must be received by February 10, 2017 and work completed by August 10, 2017.

Applications and tips on how to complete your application can be found at the Kindersley Administration Office.